Kylteri 01/24

Headline goes here

The author is the Chairperson of KY, Tilda Leikola. She is bad at a lot of things and thought you may have wanted to know. 

She’s terrible at many sports. She can’t play ball games. She can’t ride a bike properly. She can’t ice skate or do yoga. Even when she’s good at something, sailing, she still manages to crash a boat.

She’s forgetful. She keeps losing her keys. She can’t seem to pay her bills on time. She reads messages and forgets to answer them; sometimes she even forgets to read the messages and just guesses what they say. She is the slowest reader. She’s dyslexic. She’s messy and can’t keep her house clean. 

She’s anxious and overly self-critical. She’s a good driver but you don’t want to ride with her lest you carry the stress of the world on your shoulders. She's bad at letting go of things. She’ll overthink her conversations with people until she is convinced they hate her. She’s terrible at writing stuff and keeping to schedules. She overthought her original article. This is her article. 

She hopes you understand.